The Steering Committee is responsible for evaluating the progress of projects and working groups. It makes proposals and advises the board on the current and future research direction. Additionally, the steering committee appoints the scientific advisory board, whose expertise supports the long-term strategic direction of the collaborative research center (CRC).

Our SIIRI Steering Committee is composed of the spokesperson, co-spokesperson, two representatives from each of the applying universities (MHH, LUH) and NIFE, as well as one representative from each of the participating universities and non-university institutions (TU BS, HMTMH, HZI) and the SIIRI IRTG.

  • Prof. Dr. Meike Stiesch
    Prof. Dr. Meike Stiesch
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Jürgen Maier
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Jürgen Maier
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Lenarz
    Prof. Dr. Thomas Lenarz
    Representative MHH
  • Prof. Dr. Henning Windhagen
    Prof. Dr. Henning Windhagen
    Representative MHH
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berend Denkena
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berend Denkena
    Represantative LUH
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wriggers
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wriggers
    Representative LUH
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Heisterkamp
    Prof. Dr. Alexander Heisterkamp
    Represenative NIFE
  • Prof. Dr. Henning Menzel
    Prof. Dr. Henning Menzel
    Representative TU Bs
  • Prof. Dr. Eva Baumann
    Prof. Dr. Eva Baumann
    Representative HMTMH
  • Dr. Hansjörg Hauser
    Dr. Hansjörg Hauser
    Representative HZI
  • Prof. Dr. Anette Melk
    Prof. Dr. Anette Melk
    Representative IRTG
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Christopher Wurz
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Christopher Wurz
    Representative IRTG